In 2010, I was part of Sticks + Stones, an international design collaboration between universities in the United States, China, Germany, and Turkey that won a Core77 Design Award. We put together an exhibit in Berlin that invited visitors to contemplate the roles of stereotyping, migration, and immigration in their lives.
One of the projects I contributed is an 18-food informational banner that examined the rates of emigration of physicians from the four participating countries. The banner reveals a somewhat surprising trend of emigration out of Germany–the number of doctors that leave this country dwarfs the number of physician emigrants from other countries with much higher populations. Visitors are faced with a visually overwhelming column of German flags that is much higher than a human’s hight, where each flag is representative of an emigrant physician.
You can see more photos from the exhibit here.
It bears repeating, Sticks + Stones won a Core 77 design award. Check it out!